Limit login/register with using expression lang

You may limit login with using expression, like symfony expression for access control. For evaluate expression used TWIG engine with customization by this lib okvpn/expression-language. It allows to create a complex expressions where called team/members API to check that user belong to Organization/Repos etc.

Example usage

            allow_login: true
            allow_register: true
                client_id: 'xxx'
                client_secret: 'xxx'
            login_control_expression: "data['email'] ends with ''"

Example 2. Here check GitLab's groups API.

            allow_login: true
            allow_register: true
                client_id: 'xx'
                client_secret: 'xx'
            login_control_expression: >
                {% set members = api_cget('/groups/balaba/members') %}
                {% set found = null %}
                {% for member in members %}
                    {% if data['username'] and data['username'] == member['username'] %}
                        {% set found = member %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
                {% if found['access_level'] >= 50 %}
                    {% return ['ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_GITLAB'] %}
                {% elseif found['access_level'] >= 40 %}
                    {% return ['ROLE_MAINTAINER', 'ROLE_GITLAB'] %}
                {% elseif found['access_level'] >= 10 %}
                    {% return ['ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_GITLAB'] %}
                {% endif %}
                {% return [] %}

Custom Twig function for expression lang

  • api_get(url, query = [], cache = true, app = null) - Call get method
  • api_cget(url, query = [], cache = true, app = null) - Call get method with pagination with all pages.

By default, the API call results are cached, but you may overwrite with cache param.

login_control_expression - may return a bool result or list of roles. If returned result is empty - login/register is not allowed.

Debug expressions

You may enable debugging by param

            login_control_expression_debug: true
            login_control_expression: "data['email'] ends with ''"

For localhost, you also can enable symfony dev env. But it's strongly not recommended for prod for security reasons. Then you may use dump action.

{% set members = api_cget('/groups/balaba/members') %}
{% set found = null %}
{% for member in members %}
    {% if data['username'] and data['username'] == member['username'] %}
        {% set found = member %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% do dump(members) %}
{% do dump(found) %}

{% return [] %}

Example debug panel

When login_control_expression_debug is enabled you may evaluate script from UI.
