How to auto update packages?

You can use GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket project post-receive hook to keep your packages up to date every time you push code.


Webhook API request authorization with minimum access level ROLE_MAINTAINER. You can use token query parameter with <username:api_token> to call it.

Also support authorization with username and apiToken query parameters.

Bitbucket Webhooks

To enable the Bitbucket web hook, go to your BitBucket repository, open the settings and select "Webhooks" in the menu. Add a new hook. Y ou have to enter the Packagist endpoint, containing both your username and API token. Enter https://<app>/api/bitbucket?token=user:token as URL. Save your changes and you're done.

GitLab Service

To enable the GitLab service integration, go to your GitLab repository, open the Settings > Integrations page from the menu. Search for Packagist in the list of Project Services. Check the "Active" box, enter your username and API token. Save your changes and you're done.

GitLab Group Hooks

Group webhooks will apply to all projects in a group and allow to sync all projects. To enable the Group GitLab webhook you must have the paid plan. Go to your GitLab Group > Settings > Webhooks. Enter https://<app>/api/update-package?token=user:token as URL.

GitHub Webhooks

To enable the GitHub webhook go to your GitHub repository. Click the "Settings" button, click "Webhooks". Add a new hook. Enter https://<app>/api/github?token=user:token as URL.

Gitea Webhooks

To enable the Gitea web hook, go to your Gitea repository, open the settings, select "Webhooks" in the menu and click on 'Add Webhook'. From the dropdown menu select Gitea. You have to enter the Packagist endpoint, containing both your username and API token. Enter https://<app>/api/update-package?token=user:token as URL. The HTTP method has to be POST and content type is application/json. Save your changes and you're done.

Manual hook setup

If you do not use Bitbucket or GitHub there is a generic endpoint you can call manually from a git post-receive hook or similar. You have to do a POST request to https://<app>g/api/update-package?token=user:api_token with a request body looking like this:

  "repository": {

You can also send a GET request with query parameter composer_package_name

curl 'https://<app>/api/update-package?token=<user:token>&composer_package_name=vender/name'