
Packeton - Private PHP package repository for vendors.


Main Features

  • Compatible with Composer API v2, bases on Symfony 6.
  • Support update webhook for GitHub, Gitea, Bitbucket and GitLab or custom format.
  • Customers user and ACL groups and limit access by vendor and versions.
  • Composer Proxies and Mirroring.
  • Generic Packeton webhooks
  • Allow to freeze updates for the new releases after expire a customers license.
  • Mirroring for packages zip files and downloads it's from your host.
  • Credentials and Authentication http-basic config or ssh keys.
  • Support monolithic repositories, like symfony/symfony
  • Pull Request composer.lock change review.
  • OAuth2 GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab/Gitea and Other Integrations.
  • Security Monitoring.
  • Milty sub repositories.

Compare Private Packagist with Packeton
Composer APIv1, v2v1, v2
REST APIPartial covered. Only main CRUD featureFull covered. +PHP SDK private-packagist-api-client
Custom User/VendorsLimit access by versions, packages, release date. Customer users and groupsLimit access by versions, packages, stability. Users and Vendors bundles
StatisticsDefault by versions, packagesBy versions, packages and customer usage
IntegrationsGitHub, GitLab, Gitea, BitbucketGitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket (cloud/ server), AWS CodeCommit, Azure DevOps
SynchronizationOnly RepositoriesTeams, Permissions and Repositories
Pull request reviewGitHub, GitLab, Gitea, BitbucketIntegrations - GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket (cloud/ server)
Fine-grained API TokenSupport-
MirroringFull Support. Separate URL path to access the repoFull Support. Automatically setup
Patch Mirroring metadataSupport. UI metadata manager-
Incoming webhooksSupport. Full compatibility with and its integrationsSupport. Used unique uuid address
Outgoing webhooksFull Support. Custom UI request builder with expressionsSupport. Request payload format is not configurable
LDAPSupport. On config levelSupport
Dependency License Review-Support
Security MonitoringSupport. Webhook notificationsSupport. Webhook/email notifications
Patch requires/metadataSupport. UI metadata manager-
Repos typeVCS (auto), Mono-repo, Custom JSON, ArtifactsVCS, Githib/GitLab/Bitbucket, Custom JSON, Artifacts, Import Satis
Mono-repo supportSupportSupport
ImportVCS Integration / Satis / / List reposSatis
PricingOpen Source. Free€5900 or €49/user/month